To: Lloyd George Patrick, Arnetha Brewington as Administrator of the Estate of Lloyd George Patrick, Cheryl Althea Patrick, Michelle Kimberly Patrick, Michael Patrick, and any and all other heirs at law of Lloyd George Patrick, and any and all other lienholders or creditors of Lloyd George Patrick, and any person having any right, title, or interest in or lien upon the following described property
Take notice that:
The right to redeem the following described property, to wit:
All that tract or parcel of land lying, situate, and being in the 1208th G.M. District of Emanuel County, Georgia, containing One (1) acre, more or less, and known as the Green School Property and shown by plat made by Walter K. Maupin, Surveyor, dated March 19, 1980, which is recorded in the Office of Clerk, Emanuel Superior Court, in Plat Book 10, Page 641, to which reference is made as a part of this description and bounded as follows: Northeast, Southeast, and Southwest by lands of Fannie Myers; and Northwest by lands of Glenn Ashley. Said property is the second tract described in Warranty Deed from Woodie D. McLean, et. al. to Edward A. Durden dated March 14, 1974, and recorded in said records in Deed Book GG, Page 437.
Map & Parcel 069 107.
Will expire and be forever foreclosed and barred on and after January 17, 2025.
The tax deed to which this notice relates is dated November 7, 2023, and is recorded in the Office of the Clerk of the Superior Court of Emanuel County, Georgia, in Deed Book 563, pages 618-620.
The property may be redeemed at any time before the 17th day of January 2025, by payment of the redemption price as fixed and provided by law to the undersigned at the following address: 120 St. Galilee Rd, Midville, GA 30441.
If you have questions or would like to know the redemption amount, please contact my attorney, Richard M. McNeely, at P.O. Box 767, Swainsboro, GA 30401 or call him at 478-237-4225.
Please be governed accordingly. This 11th day of December, 2024.C & P LAND & FARM INVESTMENTS, LLC
All creditors of the estate of Richard Larson Madison, decedent, late of Emanuel County, are hereby notified to render in their demands to Attorney Morgan M. Boulineau at Jerry N. Cadle, P.C., P.O. Box 68, Swainsboro, GA 30401 according to law, and all persons indebted to said estate are required to make immediate payment.
This 12th day of December, 2024.
Angie Denise Madison Jones, Executrix of the Estate of
Richard Larson Madison, decedent
Jerry N. Cadle, P.C.
P.O. Box 68
Swainsboro, GA 30401
K.P. SEX: F DOB: 04/07/2014 CASE # 24JV95
A.P. SEX: M DOB: 10/27/2017 CASE#24JV95
You are hereby notified that the above-styled action has been brought by the Emanuel County Department of Family and Children Services, and the Georgia Department of Human Services, seeking custody of the above named child pursuant to its Petition for Dependency; that said action has been filed in the Juvenile Court of Emanuel County, Georgia; and that by reason of an Order for Service of Summons by Publication dated December 11, 2024, you are hereby notified that you may obtain a copy of the petition from the Clerk of the Juvenile Court of Emanuel County, Georgia and may file with the Clerk of said Court and serve upon Marnique Oliver, Petitioner's Attorney, whose mailing address is P.O. Box 308, 115 S. Racetrack Street, Swainsboro, Georgia, 30401, an answer to the petition at any time prior to the Final Hearing.
You are hereby commanded and required to appear before this court on the 13th day of March 2025 at the EMANUEL County Courthouse in Swainsboro, Georgia at 10:00 a.m., for a FINAL HEARING on this issue and show cause, if any you have, why the relief requested in the petition should not be granted. You are hereby commanded and required to appear before this Court at said final hearing or the findings of the Court will be made the permanent order of this Court in the above case. You must attend the final hearing in order to preserve your rights. At the final hearing you will be given an opportunity to show cause, if any you have, why the relief requested in the petition should not be granted.
The parties notified hereby are entitled to legal counsel in the proceedings, and the Court will appoint legal counsel if any party should be unable, without undue hardship, to employ counsel.
The Findings of Fact and Order of Disposition made at the Hearing will become final at the Final Hearing unless the party served by publication appears at the Final Hearing. If the party served by publication fails to appear at the Final Hearing on the petition, the Findings of Fact and Interlocutory Orders made will become final without further evidence and will be governed by the Juvenile Court Code as if made at the Final Hearing. If the party served by publication appears at the Final Hearing, the Interlocutory findings and Orders shall be vacated and disregarded, and the hearing shall proceed upon the allegations of the motion.
A copy of this petition may be obtained at no charge from the Office of the Clerk of Court between the hours of 9:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. Monday through Friday.
WITNESS, the Honorable Sherri McDonald, Judge of said Juvenile Court.
This ________ day of ___________________, 2024.
Clerk, Emanuel County Juvenile Court
TO: Betty Williams, Joyce Jennings, Teresa Galbreath, Angel Hughes Lambert, Patricia Jarriel, Timothy Edwards, Dusty Faircloth, Tammie Wilson, Gregory Hughes, Melinda Hughes, Katherine Hughes, and Robbie Hughes and to whom it may concern:
Ronnie Hughes has petitioned to be appointed administrator of the estate of Mildred Hughes Roland, deceased, of said county. (The petitioner has also applied for waiver of bond, waiver of reports, waiver of statements, and /or grant of certain powers contained in O.C.G.A 53-12-261.) All interested persons are hereby notified to show cause why said petition should not be granted. All objections to the petition must be in writing, setting forth the grounds of anu such objections, and must be filed with the Court on or before January 21, 2024.
BE NOTIFIED FURTHER: All objections to the petition must be in writing, setting forth the grounds of any such objections. All objections should be sworn to before a notary public or before a probate court clerk, and filing fees must be tendered with your objections, unless you qualify to file as an indigent party. Contact probate court personal for the required amount of filing fees. If any objections are filed, a hearing will be scheduled at a later date. If no objections are filed, the petition may be granted without a hearing.
Judge of the Probate Court
By: Jeanie Hooks
Clerk of the Probate Court
P.O. Box 70
Swainsboro, GA 30401
(478) 237-7091
Telephone Number
ESTATE NO. 24E0152
[Strike the sentence in parenthesis below if not applicable.]
TO: MIKE MCKAY and to whom it may concern:
KRISTIN MCKAY has petitioned to be appointed administrator of the estate of ROBERT LEON MCKAY deceased, of said county. (The petitioner has also applied for waiver of bond, waiver of reports, waiver of statements, and/or grant of certain powers contained in O.C.G.A. § 53-12-261.) All interested persons are hereby notified to show cause why said petition should not be granted. All objections to the petition must be in writing, setting forth the grounds of any such objections, and must be filed with the Court on or before January 21, 2025.
BE NOTIFIED FURTHER: All objections to the petition must be in writing, setting forth the grounds of any such objections. All objections should be sworn to before a notary public or before a probate court clerk, and filing fees must be tendered with your objections, unless you qualify to file as an indigent party. Contact probate court personnel for the required amount of filing fees. If any objections are filed, a hearing will be scheduled at a later date. If no objections are filed, the petition may be granted without a hearing.
Judge of the Probate Court
By: Jeanie Hooks
Clerk of the Probate Court
P. O. Box 70
Swainsboro, Ga. 30401
(478) 237-7091
Telephone Number
All creditors of the estate of ERA STEWART, decedent late of Emanuel County, State of Georgia, are hereby notified to render in their demands to the undersigned according to law and all persons indebted to said estate are required to male immediate payment to me.
This the 20th day of December, 2024
LAURA KATE STEWART RAMBO, executor/executrix of the state of ERA SREWART, decedent.
2814 Techwood Drive Columbus, Ga. 31906
Address of Executor/Executrix
All creditors of the estate of BONNIE LESLIE, decedent late of Emanuel County, State of Georgia, are hereby notified to render in their demands to the undersigned according to law and all persons indebted to said estate are required to make immediate payment to me.
This the 18th day of December, 2024.
Henry Lloyed Slater II, executor of the estate of
Bonnie Leslie, decedent.
1187 Old Kenfield Road Twin City, Ga. 30471
Address of Executor/Executrix
Georgia Department of Transportation Request for Feedback
For P.I. No. 0019664 Emanuel County
The Georgia Department of Transportation (GDOT) is requesting review and feedback on the proposed project. We appreciate your participation in this process.
This project proposes to reconstruct the existing, at-grade intersection of US 1/SR 4 at SR 57/CR 650/Kite Road in Emanuel County to a multi-lane roundabout. The aim of the proposed project is to improve operations due to the high-speed nature of several approaches, as well as the frequency and severity of crashes. This intersection is located at milepost (MP) 25.7 at the western city limits of Swainsboro on US 1/SR 4. The project length is estimated to be 0.31 mile on US 1/SR 4 and 0.14 mile on SR 57, then 0.14 mile on CR 650/Kite Road. Traffic will be maintained on-site and staged during the construction of the project.
GDOT has placed information about the proposed project at https://www.dot.ga.gov/ GDOT/Pages/PublicOutreach.aspx. The information on the website is provided in place of an in- person meeting allowing the public to review the proposed project, provide feedback, or write in with questions.
Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) Information:
To request materials in accessible formats for people with disabilities, contact the District Planning and Programming Liaison, Ellen Wright, at 478-357-2354 or by email at ewright@dot.ga.gov.
Comments will be accepted concerning this project until Wednesday, February 5, 2025.
Written statements may be submitted to:
Mr. Eric Duff
State Environmental Administrator Georgia Department of Transportation
600 West Peachtree Street, NW
– 16th Floor Atlanta, Georgia 30308
All creditors of the estate of Ellen Johnson Barrett Rowland, deceased, late of Emanuel County, are hereby notified to render their demands to Richard M. McNeely, attorney for Robert Michael Rowland, Executor of the Ellen Johnson Barrett Rowland Estate, at P. O. Box 767, Swainsboro, Georgia 30401, according to law, and all persons indebted to said estate are required to make immediate payment of any indebtedness due the estate.
This 30th day of December, 2024.
Attorney for Robert Michael Rowland
Executor of the
Ellen Johnson Barrett Rowland Estate
Richard M. McNeely, P.C.
P. O. Box 767
Swainsboro, Georgia 30401
(478) 237-4225
ESTATE NO. 24E0154
TO: ALL INTERESTED PARTIES and to whom it may concern:
has petitioned to be appointed administrator of the estate of MILDRED GLORIA PRICE deceased, of said county. (The petitioner has also applied for waiver of bond, waiver of reports, waiver of statements, and/or grant of certain powers contained in O.C.G.A. § 53-12-261.) All interested persons are hereby notified to show cause why said petition should not be granted. All objections to the petition must be in writing, setting forth the grounds of any such objections, and must be filed with the Court on or before FEBRUARY 3, 2025.
BE NOTIFIED FURTHER: All objections to the petition must be in writing, setting forth the grounds of any such objections. All objections should be sworn to before a notary public or before a probate court clerk, and filing fees must be tendered with your objections, unless you qualify to file as an indigent party. Contact probate court personnel for the required amount of filing fees. If any objections are filed, a hearing will be scheduled at a later date. If no objections are filed, the petition may be granted without a hearing.
J. Chase Sherrod
Judge of the Probate Court
By: Jeanie Hooks
Clerk of the Probate Court
P. O. Box 70
Swainsboro, Ga. 30401
(478) 237-7091
Telephone Number
Under and by virtue of certain tax FiFa’s issued by the Tax Commissioner of Emanuel County,
Georgia, in favor of the State of Georgia and County of Emanuel, against the following named
persons and the property as described next to their respective name(s). There will be sold for cash or
certified funds at public outcry, before the Courthouse door in Swainsboro, Emanuel County, Georgia,
between the legal hours of sale, on the first Tuesday in February, 2025, the same being February 4th,
2025, and continuing on February 5th, 2025, if necessary, between the legal hours of sale, 10:00 AM and
4:00 PM. The below listed and described properties, or as much thereof as will satisfy the State and
County tax execution on the respective individual and property. The property (ies) hereinafter described
have been levied on as the property of the persons whose names immediately precede the property
description. Each of the respective parcels of property are located in Emanuel County, State of Georgia.
The years for which said Fi. Fa.’s are issued and levied are stated opposite the name of the owner in
each case. Each defendant and tenant in possession, if applicable, has been notified of levy time and
place of sale. Purchaser shall pay for title, all transfer costs, all taxes, advertising costs and recording
Map & Parcel: 025003C
Defendant in FiFa: Jackson, Sharon Renee
Current Record Holder: Jackson, Sharon Renee
CRH Address: 7396 Pinetucky Road
Swainsboro, GA 30401
Amount Due: $ 1,803.07
Tax Years Due: 2023,2022
Deed Book: 470/471
Legal Description: All that tract of land being in the: State of Georgia, County of Emanuel, 1208th
GMD, being 19.76 acres, more or less. As shown in Plat Book 20, Page 93C. Or as
further described in Deed Book 470, Page 471. Being known as Tax Map & Parcel
025003C, Emanuel County, Georgia.
Map & Parcel: 058B008
Defendant in FiFa: Patrick, Lloyd George
Current Record Holder: Patrick, Lloyd George
CRH Address: 1252 McGarrh Mill Pond Road
Midville, GA 30441
Amount Due: $ 602.36
Tax Years Due: 2023,2022,2021,2020
Deed Book: IL/377
Legal Description: All that tract of land being in the: State of Georgia, County of Emanuel, 53rd GMD,
Section, being 0.461 acres, more or less. Or as further described in Deed Book IL,
Page 377. Being known as Tax Map & Parcel 058B008, Emanuel County, Georgia.
Map & Parcel: 058B043
Defendant in FiFa: Swan, Trippy & Patricia
Current Record Holder: Swan, Trippy & Patricia
CRH Address: Po Box 32
Swainsboro, GA 30401
Amount Due: $ 717.37
Tax Years Due: 2023,2022,2021,2020,2019,2018,1995
Deed Book: 13/115
Legal Description: All that tract of land being in the: State of Georgia, County of Emanuel, 53rd GMD,
being 0.21 acres, more or less. As shown in Plat Book 14, Page 93. Or as further
described in Deed Book 13, Page 115. Being known as Tax Map & Parcel
058B043, Emanuel County, Georgia.
Map & Parcel: 069088
Defendant in FiFa: DLRS Choice Enterprises LLC
Current Record Holder: DLRS Choice Enterprises LLC
CRH Address: 715 West Church Street
Swainsboro, GA 30401
Amount Due: $ 1,539.35
Tax Years Due: 2023,2022,2021,2020,2019
Deed Book: 470/261
Legal Description: All that tract of land being in the: State of Georgia, County of Emanuel, 1208th
GMD, being 0.79 acres, more or less. As shown in Plat Book 7, Page 58. Or as
further described in Deed Book 470, Page 261. Being known as Tax Map & Parcel
069088, Emanuel County, Georgia.
Map & Parcel: 081004A
Defendant in FiFa: Irvin, Kelly
Current Record Holder: Irvin, Kelly
CRH Address: 109 Kuwe Trail
Guyton, GA 31312
Amount Due: $ 2,968.88
Tax Years Due: 2023,2022
Deed Book: 240/571
Legal Description: All that tract of land being in the: State of Georgia, County of Emanuel, 1502nd
GMD, being 75.01 acres, more or less. As shown in Plat Book 15, Page 456. Or as
further described in Deed Book 240, Page 571. Less & except: 130.01 acres. 35.00
acres in Deed Book 240, Page 570 & Plat Book 21, Page 318 & 20.00 acres in Deed
Book 467, Page 612 & Plat Book 23, Page 166. Being known as Tax Map & Parcel
081004A, Emanuel County, Georgia.
Map & Parcel: 092051
Defendant in FiFa: Porcel, Gail
Current Record Holder: Porcel, Gail S
CRH Address: 64 Spivey Lane
Swainsboro, GA 30401
Amount Due: $ 2,745.20
Tax Years Due: 2023,2022,2021,2020
Deed Book: 303/564
Legal Description: All that tract of land being in the: State of Georgia, County of Emanuel, 53rd GMD,
being 1.403 acres, more or less. As shown in Plat Book 22, Page 126. Or as further
described in Deed Book 303, Page 564. Less & except: 26.767 acres in Deed Book
332, Page 174 & Plat Book 22, Page 126. Being known as Tax Map & Parcel
092051, Emanuel County, Georgia.
Map & Parcel: 093084
Defendant in FiFa: DLRS Choice Enterprises LLC
Current Record Holder: DLRS Choice Enterprises LLC
CRH Address: 715 West Church Street
Swainsboro, GA 30401
Amount Due: $ 1,999.99
Tax Years Due: 2023,2022,2021,2020,2019
Deed Book: 470/261
Legal Description: All that tract of land being in the: State of Georgia, County of Emanuel, 53rd GMD,
being 21.627 acres, more or less. As shown in Plat Book 18, Page 492. Or as further
described in Deed Book 470, Page 261. Being known as Tax Map & Parcel 093084,
Emanuel County, Georgia.
Map & Parcel: 096024
Defendant in FiFa: Boston, Katheryn L
Current Record Holder: Heirs Known & Unknown of Boston, Katheryn L Deceased
CRH Address: 303 South Street
Swainsboro, GA 30401
Amount Due: $ 19,199.17
Tax Years Due: 2023,2022,2021,2020,2019,2018,2017
Deed Book: 117/567
Legal Description: All that tract of land being in the: State of Georgia, County of Emanuel, 53rd GMD,
being 9.192 acres, more or less. Being Parcel 9. As shown in Plat Book 11, Page
688. Or as further described in Deed Book 117, Page 567. Being known as Tax
Map & Parcel 096024, Emanuel County, Georgia.
Map & Parcel: 109004C
Defendant in FiFa: Brown, Bobby L
Current Record Holder: Brown, Bobby L
CRH Address: 412 Chandler Avenue
Linden, NJ 07036
Amount Due: $ 458.44
Tax Years Due: 2023,2022,2021
Deed Book: HE/720
Legal Description: All that tract of land being in the: State of Georgia, County of Emanuel, 57th GMD,
being 1.31 acres, more or less. As shown in Plat Book 10, Page 197. Or as further
described in Deed Book HE, Page 720. Being known as Tax Map & Parcel 109004C, Emanuel County, Georgia.
Map & Parcel: 127033
Defendant in FiFa: Cox, Joanne W
Current Record Holder: Cox, Joanne W
CRH Address: 2333 Georgia Highway 192 N
Midville, GA 30441
Amount Due: $ 4,312.81
Tax Years Due: 2023,2022
Deed Book: 323/223
Legal Description: All that tract of land being in the: State of Georgia, County of Emanuel, 57th GMD,
being 17.7 acres, more or less. Being Tract 14. As shown in Plat Book 20, Page
45C. Or as further described in Deed Book 323, Page 223. Being known as Tax
Map & Parcel 127033, Emanuel County, Georgia.
Map & Parcel: 136043
Defendant in FiFa: Wilson, Rodney K & Julie H
Current Record Holder: Wilson, Rodney K & Wilson, Julie H
CRH Address: Po Box 356
Swainsboro, GA 30401
Amount Due: $ 10,244.53
Tax Years Due: 2023,2022,2021
Deed Book: 471/244
Legal Description: All that tract of land being in the: State of Georgia, County of Emanuel, 58th GMD,
being 184.447 acres, more or less. Being Tract 2. As shown in Plat Book 16, Page
143. Or as further described in Deed Book 471, Page 244. Being known as Tax
Map & Parcel 136043, Emanuel County, Georgia.
Map & Parcel: 165A009
Defendant in FiFa: Cat Properties LLC
Current Record Holder: Cat Properties LLC
CRH Address: 123 Davis Road
Twin City, GA 30471
Amount Due: $ 1,353.38
Tax Years Due: 2023,2022,2021
Deed Book: 504/269
Legal Description: All that tract of land being in the: State of Georgia, County of Emanuel, City of
Twin City, 1560th GMD, being 0.34 acres, more or less. As shown in Plat Book 8,
Page 157. Or as further described in Deed Book 504, Page 269. Being known as
Tax Map & Parcel 165A009, Emanuel County, Georgia.
Map & Parcel: 179009B
Defendant in FiFa: Mills, Tara
Current Record Holder: Mills, Tara Leanne aka Mills Rowland, Tara
CRH Address: 53 Mills Road
Twin City, GA 30471
Amount Due: $ 3,754.25
Tax Years Due: 2023,2022
Deed Book: 320/1
Legal Description: All that tract of land being in the: State of Georgia, County of Emanuel, 1560th
GMD, being 1.168 acres, more or less. As shown in Plat Book 22, Page 52. Or as
further described in Deed Book 320, Page 1. Being known as Tax Map & Parcel
179009B, Emanuel County, Georgia.
Map & Parcel: 179030
Defendant in FiFa: Handsom, Gary
Current Record Holder: Handsom, Gary
CRH Address: 398 Parrish Pond Road
Twin City, GA 30471
Amount Due: $ 3,042.93
Tax Years Due: 2023,2022,2021,2020
Deed Book: 463/117
Legal Description: All that tract of land being in the: State of Georgia, County of Emanuel, 1560th
GMD, being 24.87 acres, more or less. As shown in Plat Book 14, Page 12. Or as
further described in Deed Book 463, Page 117. Being known as Tax Map & Parcel 179030, Emanuel County, Georgia.
Map & Parcel: S08042
Defendant in FiFa: Riccio, Clark
Current Record Holder: Riccio, Clark
CRH Address: 612 Prosperity Drive
Swainsboro, GA 30401
Amount Due: $ 2,347.91
Tax Years Due: 2023,2022
Deed Book: 521/231; DR/1B
Legal Description: All that tract of land being in the: State of Georgia, County of Emanuel, City of
Swainsboro, 53rd GMD, being 0.36 acres, more or less. Being Lots 7 & 8, Block B,
of Lake Luck Subdivision. As shown in Deed Book DR, Page 1B. Or as further
described in Deed Book 521, Page 231. Being known as Tax Map & Parcel S08042, Emanuel County, Georgia.
Map & Parcel: S09060
Defendant in FiFa: Wilson, Rodney
Current Record Holder: Wilson, Rodney
CRH Address: PO Box 356
Swainsboro, GA 30401
Amount Due: $ 4,555.27
Tax Years Due: 2023,2022,2021,2020
Deed Book: 375/251
Legal Description: All that tract of land being in the: State of Georgia, County of Emanuel, City of
Swainsboro, 53rd GMD, being 5.74 acres, more or less. Or as further described in
Deed Book 375, Page 251. Being known as Tax Map & Parcel S09060, Emanuel
County, Georgia.
Map & Parcel: S15056
Defendant in FiFa: Easterling, Tashehenia J.
Current Record Holder: Easterling, Tashehenia J.
CRH Address: 412 Rentz Street
Swainsboro, GA 30401
Amount Due: $ 1,251.50
Tax Years Due: 2023,2022,2016,2015,2014
Deed Book: 371/1
Legal Description: All that tract of land being in the: State of Georgia, County of Emanuel, City of
Swainsboro, 53rd GMD, being 0.23 acres, more or less. Or as further described in
Deed Book 371, Page 1. Being known as Tax Map & Parcel S15056, Emanuel
County, Georgia.
Map & Parcel: S18001
Defendant in FiFa: Wilson, Rodney Keith
Current Record Holder: Wilson, Rodney
CRH Address: PO Box 356
Swainsboro, GA 30401
Amount Due: $ 48,578.42
Tax Years Due: 2023,2022,2021
Deed Book: 375/251
Legal Description: All that tract of land being in the: State of Georgia, County of Emanuel, City of
Swainsboro, 53rd GMD, being 8.52 acres, more or less. Or as further described in
Deed Book 375, Page 251. Being known as Tax Map & Parcel S18001, Emanuel
County, Georgia.
Map & Parcel: S20032
Defendant in FiFa: Wilson, Gary N.
Current Record Holder: Wilson, Gary N.
CRH Address: 351 Mary Ann Street
Swainsboro, GA 30401
Amount Due: $ 2,235.68
Tax Years Due: 2023,2022,2021,2020,2019
Deed Book: 103/118; DE/341
Legal Description: All that tract of land being in the: State of Georgia, County of Emanuel, City of
Swainsboro, 53rd GMD, being 0.33 acres, more or less. Being the Southerly 30 feet
of Lots 10 & 11, Block C, of South Moreland Subdivision. As shown in Deed Book
DE, Page 341. Or as further described in Deed Book 103, Page 118. Being known
as Tax Map & Parcel S20032, Emanuel County, Georgia.
Map & Parcel: S21019
Defendant in FiFa: Wilson, Rodney
Current Record Holder: Wilson, Rodney
CRH Address: PO Box 356
Swainsboro, GA 30401
Amount Due: $ 6,742.36
Tax Years Due: 2023,2022,2021
Deed Book: 375/251
Legal Description: All that tract of land being in the: State of Georgia, County of Emanuel, City of
Swainsboro, 53rd GMD, being 3.01 acres, more or less. As shown in Plat Book 5,
Page 183. Or as further described in Deed Book 375, Page 251. Being known as
Tax Map & Parcel S21019, Emanuel County, Georgia.
Map & Parcel: S24003
Defendant in FiFa: May, Tom Jr. & Bertha
Current Record Holder: Heirs Known & Unknown of May, Bertha Deceased & May, Tom Jr.
CRH Address: PO Box 482
Swainsboro, GA 30401
Amount Due: $ 2,214.43
Tax Years Due: 2023,2022,2021
Deed Book: 50/432
Legal Description: All that tract of land being in the: State of Georgia, County of Emanuel, City of
Swainsboro, 53rd GMD, being 0.32 acres, more or less. As shown in Deed Book
DB, Page 224. Or as further described in Deed Book 50, Page 432. Being known as
Tax Map & Parcel S24003, Emanuel County, Georgia.
Map & Parcel: S35006
Defendant in FiFa: Wilson, Gary
Current Record Holder: Wilson, Gary
CRH Address: 351 Mary Ann Street
Swainsboro, GA 30401
Amount Due: $ 2,490.78
Tax Years Due: 2023,2022,2021,2020,2019
Deed Book: 136/188; DT/149
Legal Description: All that tract of land being in the: State of Georgia, County of Emanuel, City of
Swainsboro, 53rd GMD, being 0.69 acres, more or less. Being Lots 13 & 14 & 30 ft
of the western portion of Lot 12, Block B, of Mrs. J Litt Price Subdivision. As
shown in Deed Book DT, Page 149. Or as further described in Deed Book 136,
Page 188. Being known as Tax Map & Parcel S35006, Emanuel County, Georgia.
Map & Parcel: S35009
Defendant in FiFa: Wilson, Rodney
Current Record Holder: Wilson, Rodney
CRH Address: PO Box 356
Swainsboro, GA 30401
Amount Due: $ 4,002.29
Tax Years Due: 2023,2022,2021
Deed Book: 375/251; DT/149
Legal Description: All that tract of land being in the: State of Georgia, County of Emanuel, City of
Swainsboro, 53rd GMD, being 0.92 acres, more or less. Being Lots 1, 2 & 3, Block
C, of J Litt Price Subdivision. As shown in Deed Book DT, Page 149. Or as further
described in Deed Book 375, Page 251. Being known as Tax Map & Parcel S35009,
Emanuel County, Georgia.
Map & Parcel: S37045
Defendant in FiFa: Boston, Roger Michael
Current Record Holder: Heirs Known & Unknown of Boston, D. D. a/k/a Dessie D. Boston Deceased & Boston, Roger Michael
CRH Address: 303 South Street
Swainsboro, GA 30401
Amount Due: $ 27,153.17
Tax Years Due: 2023,2022,2021,2020,2019,2018,2017
Deed Book: HY/115
Legal Description: All that tract of land being in the: State of Georgia, County of Emanuel, City of
Swainsboro, 53rd GMD, being 0.24 acres, more or less. Or as further described in
Deed Book HY, Page 115. Being known as Tax Map & Parcel S37045, Emanuel
County, Georgia.
Map & Parcel: S41111A
Defendant in FiFa: Cohen, Nora O Oglesby Sid & Rosa Etal
Current Record Holder: Heirs Known & Unknown of Bristo, Sophronia C. Deceased
CRH Address: 8741 GA Highway 24 West
Bartow, GA 30413
Amount Due: $ 649.04
Tax Years Due: 2023,2022,2021,2020,2019,2018,2017
Deed Book: 64/292
Legal Description: All that tract of land being in the: State of Georgia, County of Emanuel, City of
Swainsboro, 53rd GMD, being 0.15 acres, more or less. Or as further described in
Deed Book 64, Page 292. Being known as Tax Map & Parcel S41111A, Emanuel
County, Georgia.
Map & Parcel: SM1072
Defendant in FiFa: McLemore, Mary Est
Current Record Holder: Heirs Known & Unknown of McLemore, Mary Deceased
CRH Address: 817 City Road
Twin City, GA 30471
Amount Due: $ 1,132.96
Tax Years Due: 2023,2022,2021,2020,2019,2018
Legal Description: All that tract of land being in the: State of Georgia, County of Emanuel, City of
Stillmore, 58th GMD, being 0.25 acres, more or less. Being known as Tax Map & Parcel SM1072, Emanuel County, Georgia.
Map & Parcel: SM2039
Defendant in FiFa: Carlie, Barbara Lanier
Current Record Holder: Carlie, Barbara Lanier
CRH Address: 208 Arlington Drive
Vidalia, GA 30474
Amount Due: $ 561.30
Tax Years Due: 2023,2022,2021,2020
Deed Book: 342/537
Legal Description: All that tract of land being in the: State of Georgia, County of Emanuel, City of
Stillmore, 58th GMD, being 0.5 acres, more or less. Being Parcels 1 & 2. As shown
in Plat Book 17, Page 535. Or as further described in Deed Book 342, Page 537.
Being known as Tax Map & Parcel SM2039, Emanuel County, Georgia.
Map & Parcel: SM4001
Defendant in FiFa: Purcell, Patricia
Current Record Holder: Purcell, Patricia
CRH Address: 314 S 4th Street
Twin City, GA 30471
Amount Due: $ 3,623.14
Tax Years Due: 2023,2022
Deed Book: 438/537
Legal Description: All that tract of land being in the: State of Georgia, County of Emanuel, City of
Stilllmore, 58th GMD, being 0.74 acres, more or less. Or as further described in
Deed Book 438, Page 537. Being known as Tax Map & Parcel SM4001, Emanuel County, Georgia.
Map & Parcel: SU1023
Defendant in FiFa: Buchanan, Edith
Current Record Holder: Heirs Known & Unknown of Buchanan, Edith Deceased
CRH Address: 469 Notre Damn Drive
Altamonte Springs , FL 32714
Amount Due: $ 496.14
Tax Years Due: 2023,2022,2021,2020
Deed Book: IQ/111
Legal Description: All that tract of land being in the: State of Georgia, County of Emanuel, City of
Summertown, 57th GMD, being 0.16 acres, more or less. Or as further described in
Deed Book IQ, Page 111. Being known as Tax Map & Parcel SU1023, Emanuel
County, Georgia.
Map & Parcel: SU1063A
Defendant in FiFa: McLendon, Jacqueline K.
Current Record Holder: McLendon, Jacqueline K.
CRH Address: 58 Summertown Main Street
Midville , GA 30441
Amount Due: $ 833.72
Tax Years Due: 2023,2022,2021,2020,2019
Legal Description: All that tract of land being in the: State of Georgia, County of Emanuel, City of
Summertown, 57th GMD, being 0.26 acres, more or less. Being known as Tax Map & Parcel SU1063A, Emanuel County, Georgia.
Jessica U. Moran
Emanuel County Tax Commissioner, Deputy Tax Commissioner
* Deed Book: Refers to Deed Records located in the Emanuel County Courthouse, Clerk of
Superior Court’s Office where property is more fully described. 4C226