The Kiwanis Club of Swainsboro held its weekly meeting Tuesday night, January 7, at the Rustic Grille at 6:30 p.m. With President Paul Cerpovicz presiding, they had 12 in attendance. President Paul won the 4-layer caramel cake and shared with all the club members and Dess Smith won the Domino’s Pizza donated by Domino's. On December 18, they distributed Christmas bikes to selected Pre-K kids and their siblings at the Swainsboro Early Learning Center/Pre-K. Chair Dianna Wedincamp indicated they gave away 43 bikes. Smith reported they did really well in the fall shotgun drawing to help pay for the bikes and reported that eight Kiwanians sold over 50 tickets each. President Paul reported on the Little Free Libraries (LFL) project, and they will be assembling 10 of these libraries in the near future. President Paul applied for and received a grant from Mill Creek Foundation to help pay for the LFLs. Wedincamp presented a program on the efforts of some Emanuel County residents to start Kid’s Cup, patterned along the lines of what is now in Dublin. The Emanuel County group is looking for space/location for the program. Kid's Cup was created as a resource for foster and kinship families and other children in need from newborn to teens. Kid’s Cup says foster families should be taking time to get to know the children placed in their home, not worrying about the financial burden of providing each child with all their material needs immediately following placement. The center offers a cheerful, welcoming space for vulnerable children and families to shop (at no charge). Kid's Cup provides children with free clothing, shoes, baby gear, books, toys and school supplies, either new or gently used. Children and guardians shop Kid's Cup by referral from partners within the community. Kid's Cup does not have geographic boundaries.