To all of Emanuel County, I wish you Up on the Housetop reindeer paws, and From the Chimney Comes Jolly Ole’ St Nick. I cannot realistically ask to Let it Snow or a Sleigh Ride. I never saw a Christmas Snow until I was an adult and living in Virginia. My three children and I stood enchanted by the window and watched the beautiful flakes fall and cover the yard. T’was a sight to always remember. Though we never had snow during my Swainsboro childhood, my stocking hung by the woodburning fireplace and was filled with candies, nuts, and a tangerine in the toe when I ran in the next morning. Other Santa gifts were beside the tree. There was always a doll, and one year a doll that I will never forget. When dolls were put on display at Darlngs, I always picked one that I hoped Santa would bring. My mother would purchase and put on “layaway” without my knowledge. While I was asleep on Christmas Eve, she brought it home to put beside tree. She opened the box to a tragedy. While in the layaway, a hungry rat had chewed into the box and gnawed a hole into the cheek of the beautiful doll. She called Mr. Darling and of course he was mortified. He called every possible store, and none had a doll of any kind. It was wartime and everything was scarce. Do not think it was a disappointing Christmas morning! My father would never let his beloved Shirley be unhappy, especially at Christmas. During the late night, he filled the open wound with melted wax and waited for the wax to harden. Then he bandaged the injured cheek. Remember this was during WWII. Santa had done his job and so had Louis Proctor. He tenderly removed the doll from the box, and said “Honey, you must take good care of this doll. She was injured in the war and was very brave.” I pulled her to my heart and gave her my grandmother’s name, Elizabeth. She was cherished for many years, but most of all I cherish my memory of my Daddy who always made everything better for me. I wish to all of Emanuel is the joy I had on that Christmas long ago. Write to Shirley at