Emanuel Retired Educators hear from legislators


The November meeting of the Emanuel Retired Educators Association (EREA) was held last week in the Swainsboro Middle School Media Center. President Verdell Brinson called the meeting to order, and Swainsboro Middle School Principal David Miller welcomed members to the school and shared his priorities for the school year. He expressed his appreciation for his teachers and staff who are working diligently to increase student achievement.

As part of the EREA monthly project, the name of a Swainsboro Middle staff member was drawn, and the appreciation gift basket was awarded to Tammy Harvey, a Special Education Resource Teacher. Following a delicious Thanksgiving meal provided by the SMS lunchroom, Senator Max Burns and Representative Butch Parrish were introduced. Senator Burns, a former college president and professor, stressed the importance of education and thanked members for their many years of service. He went on to highlight upcoming education priorities. Legislators will continue to focus on literacy and the importance of having Georgia students reading on grade level by third grade. Teacher recruitment and Teacher Education programs are two other areas to be addressed this year. Senator Burns added that TORT reform would also be an item of importance during the upcoming legislative session. Representative Parrish, a champion of rural healthcare and the Chairman of the Rules Committee in the Georgia House of Representatives announced that a four-year medical school campus had been created at the University of Georgia to help alleviate a statewide shortage of physicians. Chairman Parrish also informed the group that a state-of-the-art Health Professions Academic Building has been added at Georgia Southern University’s Armstrong Campus in Savannah which offers a variety of healthcare programs.

The next EREA meeting is set for Wednesday, January 15, 2025, at Swainsboro Elementary School at noon. Mike Zarem, Georgia Teachers Retirement System Outreach Program Manager, will provide the program. All Emanuel County retired educators are encouraged to attend.