Adrian City Hall closed after mayor and clerks resign


Adrian City Hall is currently closed following the resignation of Adrian Mayor Wynola Smith, along with the city clerks and maintenance department. Council members Robert Fountain and Orweco Hutchinson also resigned. Remaining Council members are John Morrison, Gary Green and Patricia Beck.

The first Council meeting of the year was held Tuesday night, January 7. At the meeting, Council voted 3-2 to fire the Adrian Police Chief, Michael Milton. Smith said the firing of Milton had nothing to do with her resignation.

According to former Mayor Smith, she sent a text to the clerks and maintenance department on Tuesday night letting them know she would be resigning Wednesday morning. “I had no idea everyone was going to resign”, said Smith in a phone interview. ”I could not continue to work in this hostile environment. Everything we did was picked to death. I had nothing to hide-I am transparent”.

Current councilmember Gary Green told 13WMAZ remaining officials hope to open city hall doors sometime next week. In the meantime, deputies from Emanuel and Johnson counties are patrolling city roads; the city fire department is staffed and responding to emergency calls.

Adrian city hall